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All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction of coyrighted materials is strictly prohibited. Ser de Migajas
Karina Rieke

Soy ese ser de migajas
Que reverdece camino
Indecible a lo infinito
Canto de memorias muertas es mi voz
Boca de entorpecida palidez
Paladar que revela la falsa de esta lengua
Cuerpo lacerado solo por mis manos
Sumo de monturas haciéndose y rehaciéndose en tradiciones simuladas
Siluetas almacenadas de un cadáver silenciado por la espera
Existencia desplaza por la tarde
Mujer extraída del viento
Concepción absurda de la noche
Que bebe las horas de su angustiante entrega
Diosa nombrada en venganza
Resguarda ante la búsqueda vertiginosa
De la insostenible historia que persigue
Hembra de avenidas estrechas
Por donde deambula la vida
Enflaquecida navaja de suicida
Que insiste en morir todas sus muertes
Mujer gnosis de los magos
Conciencia repleta de innombrables palabras
Ideas impasibles de un lánguido discurrió
Exhalando páginas monótonas
Sin latidos Sencillamente Escasas de verdades

Karina Rieke was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on October 23, 1971. Poet, painter and devoted to the cultural promotion in New York where resides since 1984. He studied Theater at Hostos Community College with Osvaldo Dragun. Part of the theatrical groups "New Surcó" and "Direction". Graduate of City College University College with a degree in painting, photography with a focus on pottery and the use of the wheel. Also ongoing studies of painting and drawing in New York City Arts Student League. Karina Rieke has devoted to the teaching of art, theatre, handicraft and painting in New York City private and public schools. He served from 2000 as Director of art and theatre in the House of culture Dominican of New York, the Secretary of State for culture of the Dominican Government. The creator of the Foundation Dominican Culturarte of New York Inc., which runs from the year 2001, and Co-Director of the Schools of the Arts in Washington Heights. Latino meetings Coordinator Culturarte: live Forum of culture and literature in New York and the Symposium of the same institution readers. Initiator and promoter of withdrawals-cultural performed twice a year for three days on the outskirts of New York. Founder of the "Camila Henríquez Ureña" which operates in New York City writers workshop. He has made a hard work in the promotion of art and the Dominican culture in the city of New York and in the United States. And now has the strong commitment to prepare against the challenged artist women's in these new postmodern times. For further information please visit www.culturarteny.com

Painting by Karina Rieke
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