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"I went on to Study Fashion design in China and Paris. I love the designs and meaning found in the traditional Chinese arts. I like Meditation, I practice an ancient system of Chinese Qigong, which is my main source of inspiration and understanding of traditional Chinese culture."

Grace Chen has conducted extensive research on Chinese historical clothing, including thorough analysis of the characteristics of Han Couture in different Chinese dynasties. The more she learned about traditional Chinese culture, the more inspired she became. The dignity and elegance of the Tang and Song dynasties, as well as the many auspicious signs, motifs and accessories she encountered, opened her mind to a whole new world of fashion design.

Grace Chen continually explored the inner meaning of Han Couture, and her design was constantly enriched by what she learned. Her award-winning design pieces from 2009 and 2013, led her fashion line to twice be invited to the runways of New York's Fashion Week and Hong Kong Fashion Week.

“Grace Chen: creating beautiful, elegant fashion exclusively for you.”

At the great crossroads of the world, in the city that everyone dreams of, a unique phenomenon is blossoming: yes, the fashion capital of New York now embraces Han Couture!

This is the revered clothing of traditional Chines culture, a civilization that continues to inspire great pride in its modern day descendants, and a way of life that displays great etiquette and dignity.

Honoring, reviving and returning to this magnificent culture is the tireless ambition of everyone at Grace Chen.

New York, a focal point of the world, has become a global center of art, culture and finance. This provides a rich and bountiful environment for Han Couture clothing to prosper and grow; it offers us boundless opportunities for creative inspiration, provides a stunning backdrop to our pure and virtuous artistic works, and allows us to express ourselves fully on the world stage.

"Tian Yun Han Couture" Costumes and Culture Research inc.
is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and promoting traditional Chinese sartorial culture.

You can see more info at: www.tyhf.org / www.tianyundesign.com

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