Season's Greetings From XM & Friends Designer: Stiches Xpozure Modeling,
NYC Urban Fashion Week Fall 07 Billy Bad Axx,
NYC Fashion Week I Style Starz Entertainment,
NYC Urban Fashion Week Spring 07 Billy Bad Axx,
Rhythm Runway Nirali Designs,
Dress For Success Brooks Brothers,
JMG Fashion Night JMG Models,
Mahrani Fashion and Raj Jewelers Night Bibi Magazine,
Dulhan Expo Fashion Night Sumit and Shekha,
Nigeria Fashion Social Work Designers: Queen And Jonathon,
Nigeria Fashion Week Designers: Queen And Jonathon
Bollywood Music & Fashion Awards Eric Disoza,
Microsoft Stock Photography Photographer: James Mcentee,
Jewelry Promotion Designer: Mikala Designs,
Customer Appreciation Event Taj Mahal Casino,
Mr. India America Semifinalist Sahara One
American Made Lead Eunice Levis & Kevin Gordon, Dir,
Juntos (Together) Lead Helena Bowen, Dir,
Xoxoxoxox Lead Ariel Morales, Dir,
Unveiled Lead Janet Bayers, Dir,
Imaginary Cowboy Lead Sofian Khan, Dir,
The End of Cold War Lead Ian Mikusko, Dir
Lipstick Jungle Caterer NBC Universal Productions,
Electric Company Customer Sesame Street Workshop,
British Jew with a Loose Screw Supporting Tommy Koenig, Dir
Kingdom Of Sorrows Lead RNF Productions,
Mr. Shankar Axion Lead Pooja Narang,Dir
Freedom is not free Cover and Interview Generation Next,
Panasonic Photo Shoot Carbon Productions,
Microsoft SNAP Productions,
Photography Pelaez Productions,
Wedding Shoot Cover Bibi Magazine
Recital 07 (Recurring) Dance Solo Performance Bollywood Axion,
Recital 06 Dance Group Performance Bollywood Axion
Con Request
Best Fashion Model Nassau County Legislature,
Best Model Uthsav,
Honorable Mention for Commercial / Print IMTA LA Competition,
Best Actor Nassau County Legislature,
Winner of Indiana Jones Contest by Instant Cast MTV�S TRL,
Best Actor Uthsav Talent Competition
Learn To Runway Walk Michael Masoy Petersen,
Primetime TV Master Class: Howard Meltzer,
Script Analysis: Patrick Baca , Michael Schreiber,
Commercial: Erica Palgon, Doreen Frankin, Shirley Senders,
Scene Study(Drama & Comedy): JT Wagner(Method Acting & Sanford Meisner),
Film / TV Acting: Brooke Bundy, Kim Miscia,
On Camera / Soaps: Sheryl Baker Fisher,Tony Rossi,
On Camera /Sitcoms: Tony Rossi,
Accent Reduction: Valerie Kingston,
Dance (Bollywood & Bhangra): Pooja Narang
Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Squash, Swimming, Scuba Diving, Jet Skiing, Soccer, Weight lifting,
Target Shooting, Bowling, Cross Country Running, Pool, Snooker, Billiards and Ping Pong,
Dancing (Swing, Club, Bhangra, Bollywood Films), Screen play writer, Extensive Wardrobe,
Uniforms (Business Suits, Hip Hop Rapper Style Clothing, Pilot, Navy, Cricket, Traditional Indian
Bridegroom & Traditional Indian Regular Clothing),Can travel
& Valid Driver License, Knowledgeable of Medical Field, Him lick Maneuver, CPR, Computer/IT work,
Electronics, Fashion, Indian & British Accents
MC, DJ, Speaking large audiences, Spokesperson, Teleprompter, Ear Prompter & Green Screen
Fluent Urdu, English, Conversational Hindi, Punjabi, Arabic and Spanish, Lip Reading